Saturday, March 14, 2009

[Twilight, Again] Edward = Robert ?! Uugh

Hmmh, meskipun gw penggemar berat buku Twilight Saga dan pencinta Edward Cullen, tapi gw belum liat filmnya :D dan sekarang dengan sebal menanti dvdnya..

Tapi bukan filmnya yang mau gw bahas, melainkan pemeran Edward Cullen, yaitu si Robert Pattinon
I still cant get rid of this statement in my head: why him?!
i mean of all the gorgeous guys that scatter in Hollywood, why Rob?
a bit dissapointed, though from what i've seen in trailer he was kinda okay, but i am still not satisfied..

apalagi setiap gw browsing di youtube, duuh gak macho banget deh si Rob itu, cool aja enggak..


  1. Oh god! i saw the movie, and it was a disaster! i call it: Pelecehan terhadap Edward cullen
    :D Edward yg begitu sempurna, seperti dewa, seperti malaikat, jadi begitu standar, like average human being.. (i dunno about vampire, but he just to average compare i think:D ).. so sad..
    Terlalu ekspresif untuk ukuran Edward yang emosinya selalu dijaga dan dewasa, selain itu ekspresinya jelek.. Ekspresi Rob Pattinson itu.. enggak bgt deh :( sedih banget liat filmnya Twilight T_T

  2. eh..: but he just to average compare i think = i think he just to average compare to both hehehehe
